Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ayubowan !!This is the customary greetings of the Sri Lankans and means 'May You Live Long' With palms of the two hands held close together against the chest this is a greeting that denotes welcome, goodbye, respect, devotion or loyalty to suit the occasion. It is our fervent wish to bring to you the warmth of Sri Lankan hospitality in this Resplendent Island which was Tambapanni to Emperor Asoka of India before the written era, Taprobane to the Greeks and Romans, Serendib to the Arab seafarers, Hsi-lan-ch'ih to the Chinese, Ceilao to the Portuguese, Ceylaan to the Dutch, Ceylan to the French and Ceylon to the British. Now it is Sri Lanka - the Resplendent Island. Sri Lanka, the Isle of Serendipity is a tourist paradise with an abundance of attractions as listed below:

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